How large is Tokyo?
I think everyone knows Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world. Population estimates are from 13 to 37 million, depending on the area considered. Given that Tokyo is so large, there are additional things available that may not be found in smaller centres such as Vancouver.
For example – an accordion cultural club. Yup, Tokyo has an accordion club. Now most people have heard accordion music, and it is generally associated with raising beer steins during Octoberfest. Ask yourself – when was the last time you actually saw an accordion? For me, it has likely been 36 years, when I did a tour of Germany after university.
Now, to be clear, I did not go out looking for the accordion club. Nope. I was out for a walk in the neighborhood to see what I could see. How could you miss a sign like that?(by the way that’s me in the reflection)
So, if you would like to see an accordion, up close and personal, drop on by Tokyo and head on over to the Tokyo accordion cultural club. I’m sure they’d love to see you.